
assalamu alaikum

Sabtu, 27 Januari 2018

My +25

"Barakallah fii umrik.. selamat bertambah usia.. semoga sisa usia yang ada menjadi berkah.."

Masih pukul 02.38 , tapi ucapan selamat ulang tahun sudah mulai aku terima satu persatu dari para pembaca terimakasih anyway.. :)

Finally, i arrived in a quarter of the century..
angka dimana sudah bukan anak kecil lagi (jelas). Sudah bukan waktunya main-main lagi, sudah saatnya mengerti jika salah harusnya berbuat apa, dan jika benar mestinya bagaimana.
Angka dimana menjadi measures of someone character..

I really really gratitude to God.
I overwhelmed to say it.
Finally I arrive in 25 'yo. Im so thankfull.

Woman, is really to be woman.
And i will getting married, i was accept the purposed from him one years ago, now i just countdown the days waiting for my wedding day come..

Today is the last birthday as a single. Before to be his best wife..be best partner of life and in jannah for him.
So.. Allah... tonight.. i wanna tell You that Im happy with my life.. I wish i could make a chance for my worst, make a better life either.

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